Hello World!
http://www.3ice.hu/blog/about/ Me, compressed into five pages.
I randomly picked 220 words and phrases from the About page and inserted them here, you are free to read the words, but if I were you, I would read the entire About 3ICE page instead. (That is why the letters are small, gray and linking to the About 3ICE page):
1990 student in hungary name is daniel berezvai nickname is 3ice pronounced thrice warcraft iii world editor takes a lot of skill to create maps that are fun expert at producing quality map code in jass which is a scripting language three dimensional movement system laglessspawn sliding system which is currently the only roc compatible solution for sliding objects also a professional user in gui even though prefer jass click wars fastest map possible firelord system hell td maze designer music td sliding system for roc spinning system my maps widely recognized by the player community receive a lot of praise from fans all of my maps roc ecdl exam in 2008 am a web developer i build websites from scratch in any text editor am proficient in JASS and vJASS, Java, C++, PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, C#, Haskell, Python; good at C, LUA, AutoIt, AutoHotkey, XML, Visual Basic, VBScript, XAML, SQL, JSON, Shell, PowerShell, Pascal, Batch; worked with Turing, Clean, Ruby; will I ever learn Assembly; state accredited language examination certificate for english c1 my english is pretty good i teach people written form enjoy writing tutorials and manuals sharing knowledge as long as i am not used solely as a tool for getting information teaching everyone the ways of map making love communicating in writing grammar is better than native speakers
Posted by 3ICE @ 5:31 pm
November 26th, 2008 at 8:04 am
This is the 100th comment. http://www.3ice.hu/blog/intro/#comment-100
November 26th, 2008 at 8:07 am
Nice, I guess I'm 101th then? :)
January 18th, 2009 at 1:05 am
I cannot log into the forum. :'(
I log in successfully, but it transfers me to the index page like I never even logged in!
3ICE: Fixed grammar.
January 18th, 2009 at 2:11 am
Did you disable cookies?
I logged in successfully just a moment ago and there are six others online with me.
Problem is on your end.
Tools → Options → Privacy → Show Cookies → Type "forum.3ice.hu" → These should exist:
September 22nd, 2009 at 7:01 pm
October 18th, 2013 at 1:56 am
I've updated the above linked page. The excerpt shall remain unchanged.
Edited by 3ICE: Actually, scratch that. I ended up editing the excerpt. Couldn't stop myself from adding:
proficient in JASS and vJASS, Java, C++, PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, C#, Haskell, Python; good at C, LUA, AutoIt, AutoHotkey, XML, Visual Basic, VBScript, XAML, SQL, JSON, Shell, PowerShell, Pascal, Batch; worked with Turing, Clean, Ruby; will I ever learn Assembly
October 19th, 2013 at 11:45 pm
Hi Daniel, I wasn't sure where I should post a comment on your blog in order to get your attention so that I can contact you. I am having a problem with opening a Microsoft (.docx) document. When attempting to open the file, I receive the following DETAILS: "Incorrect xml declaration syntax. Location: Part: /word/document.xml, Line: 1, Column: 49." I am seeking your help to correct this problem, please!
October 20th, 2013 at 1:52 am
You can contact me any way you like, I'm happy to help on all channels.
Easiest method is probably posting your document in a new topic over at my forum: http://forum.3ice.hu/
I recommend the "Help with everything else" category at: http://forum.3ice.hu/viewforum.php?f=38
This is the URL of the new post button in there: http://forum.3ice.hu/posting.php?mode=post&f=38
Registration is optional, as you can log in with a shared account (if you don't want to register, that is)
Username: BugMeNot
Password: bmn
April 4th, 2015 at 6:11 pm
I would have in mind how the perception of RPGs is gettin wider and wider and this is becoming the top games to play. Even at the moment stategy gaming is fighting with rpf , and they don't understand that it could be possible to combine them because it was already done by the WOW creators. And everyone who denies that should stop calling himself a gamer. Even R Gaming and The Australian Gamer said that.
Edited by 3ICE: Removed YouTube link, replaced with username. Is this spam? No idea…
December 4th, 2015 at 6:06 am
Keywords: JASS, vJASS, Warcraft 3, Java, C++, Berezvai, 3ICE, Warcraft III world editor, Warcraft 3 world editor, world editor, worldedit, w3m, w3x, 3ice.hu, PHP, HTML, Notepad++, DOM, JavaScript, bookmarklets, bookmarklet, CSS, C#, Windows Phone, Haskell, Python, C, LUA, addons, addon, add-on, ComputerCraft, AutoIt, au3, documentation, AutoHotkey, ahk, XML, Visual Basic, VB, StealthBot, VBScript, plugin, plugins, XAML, SQL, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, JSON, Shell, Linux Shell Scripting, sh, PowerShell, Pascal, Batch, bat, Turing, Clean, Ruby, Assembly, English, tutorials, map making, grammar
March 25th, 2017 at 1:59 pm
The blog is finally back up after some weeks of downtime. I moved everything to a new database as the old one was acting up. –3ICE
September 8th, 2019 at 12:46 am
Recruit: hey | 3ICE: heya | Recruit: how r u | 3ICE: good good
Recruit: still makin maps for wc3?
3ICE: oh yes. Just finishing up my first Reforged map!
Recruit: what one?
3ICE: 3ICE 's Spell Defense
Recruit: well i wanted to rest a bit from wc3 - i didn't play for like 1 year
3ICE: Oh wow that's a very long time! Speaking of resting… My website is still down — forum.3ice.hu
Recruit: why is it?
3ICE: eh, the PHP version is too high + I use old software + lots of deprecated code and dependencies contain already removed stuff
3ICE: My webhost (rightfully so) updated PHP for all clients to a more secure version. but sadly it's up to us now to patch the code changes
Recruit: oh k
3ICE: Destiny 2 is moving from Bnet to Steam -.-
Recruit: ye i heard that
3ICE: we have until the end of the month
3ICE: I'm already set up for the account transfer. It's a free game so might as well grab it for later
Recruit: btw i had gotten my one for free too, what will happen with it?
3ICE: make sure you play it a bit and then connect ubisoft+steam+bnet accounts so you'll get it for free on steam (hopefully!)
Recruit: oh well i dont rly play that type of games, so i am too lazy to do all that
3ICE: I don't know for sure though as mine says 0 silver will be moved and yeah it's like a 90GB download just to check it
Recruit: wow thats a lot
3ICE: I'm still in the middle of freeing up space. Already deleted SC2 that helps a lot now just going through my torrented movies, and 90GB will be free!
Recruit: btw did u buy wc reforged?
3ICE: nah I'm not getting it PC can't run it anyway
Recruit: same i dont rly wanna pay just for those new graphics
3ICE: thankfully it's compatible → I'll make reforged maps using old wc3 :D
Recruit: basically they should somehow reduce price for ppl who alrdy got classic one in my opinion
3ICE: already switching to LUA from JASS — no more memory leaks woohoo
Recruit: nice
3ICE: yeah apparently LUA can garbage collect. With JASS we had to do it by hand, LUA does it for us. Plus it's a great way to protect maps, since not many JASS-people can code in LUA
February 11th, 2020 at 11:15 pm
WC3 PTR is called:
(id: lax1bptrb)
And hosted games are renamed from a template like:
Visible for a split second after refresh of games list.